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Be Your Own Interior Designer!

Wouldn’t you love to hire an interior designer? Sadly, the cost of a designer ($75 – $200/hour) plus the furnishings they recommend, can be out of reach for most people who are just casually interested in sprucing up the place. But there is much you can do by taking on these characteristics of a design pro:

  • Buy the best quality you can afford.
  • Look at the space as a whole. Ask if all the itemDIY Interior Designs “go” together aesthetically.
  • Edit. Edit. Edit. Less is more; more is clutter.
  • Find photos of rooms you like. Make a floor plan on graph paper. Create a per-item budget.
  • Learn about lighting. Bad lighting can give your room the feel of a school gym. Buy good lighting.

Sometimes the items in a space don’t work because you don’t like the space.  Are you ready to move into a new home, upgrade, downsize…buy your first home?  You’ll have much more fun decorating when the space fits your needs.  Call me today! Scot Sidener 602-402-4159

Scot Sidener

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