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Print Your Own Home!

We’re all familiar with the typical “wood studs and plywood” construction of homes. But homes of the future will take advantage of innovations in materials and construction approaches to provide greener, faster, cheaper, and more flexible options.

Concrete, long considered a gray, inflexible substance is being used in exciting ways. For instance, the company Sollars Home, casts their homes entirety from concrete on site, using a patented concrete forming system. The benefits of concrete include being termite-proof, fire-proof, tornado and hurricane resistant, and energy-efficient.

But some companies are going even further. Architects around the globe have begun to print homes using 3D printers. In Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 2.15.43 PMChina, Winsun printed a six-story apartment building, while another Chinese company just finished a 400-square meter house in a month and a half using 3D printed construction. The tiny house movement is excited!

In Amsterdam, a team of architects constructed a home called the 3D Print Canal House, using bio-based, renewable materials. The site is a construction site and a museum.

At USC in California, Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis is promoting “contour crafting.” He hopes to develop a gigantic 3D printer, able to print a whole house in a single run, from its structure to its electrical and plumbing conduits.

Perhaps the someday, you’ll be able to print your next home or addition. Wouldn’t that be handy?

While you can’t print your home just yet, you can definitely find your perfect home! Give me a call or start your search now.  

Scot Sidener 602-402-4159

Scot Sidener

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