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“Thank you for__________”

Reminders are nothing new. We’ve been tying strings to our fingers, wearing bands on our wrists, carrying worry stones, and counting Rosary beads for centuries.

The purpose of these tools is to tie a physical sensation to a thought in order to induce the thought whenever you feel the sensation.

Here’s a special use of one of these tools encouraged by  Michael Hyatt. He says that he puts a stone in his pocket to remind him to give thanks. Every time his hand contacts the stone, he says he gives thanks for whatever is happening at that moment. He literally looks for something to be grateful for.gratitude-rock

Why is this valuable? Because the act of consciously expressing gratitude measurably improves our lives! Significantly.

Studies into gratitude conducted by Dr. Robert Emmons at UC Davis offer us the following food for thought:

  • Participants who kept weekly gratitude journals exercised more and reported fewer physical ailments.

  • Participants who kept gratitude journals made more progress toward  personal goals.

  • A daily gratitude exercise for youth resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, attentiveness and energy.

  • Participants were rated as more generous by their social networks.

As we rush headlong into the holiday season, why not give this tool a try? Find a smooth stone, then ‘program’ it by thinking of things you are grateful for. With each thought, rub the stone. This will become a trigger. As you carry it, touch it and it will remind you to express gratitude.

Let me know how it works for you!

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